Conditional and unconditional love.

Conditionality and unconditionality of children-parent relationship as opposed to marital relationship.


  • Marcelo R. Ceberio Escuela Sistémica Argentina
  • Joaquín Ungaretti Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)
  • Jésica Agostinelli Universidad Católica de Santa Fe (UCSF)


In this research an attempt is made to demonstrate that a sort of love unconditionality develops in parent-child relationships, whereas marital love is fully conditional. Unconditional love is understood as boundless, a feeling where no doubt is cast, where the person involved will "give their life" for their children. As opposed to this, there is love conditionality, that is, a type of love which, as a feeling, is subjected to several variables: economic, relational and cultural, among others, and this is the case with marital relationships. Therefore, an attempt is made to demystify the belief that couple love is unconditional, "until death do us part", and is it manifested in the couple's claim for security. Parental love for their children is the protective love of attachment, the natural love that develops from the child´´'s birth.

Author Biographies

Marcelo R. Ceberio, Escuela Sistémica Argentina

Doctor in Psychology Universidades de Barcelona (UB), Kennedy (UK) y Buenos Aires (UBA). MSc in Family therapy (Univ. Autónoma de Barcelona) and MSc in Psycho-Neuro-Endocrine-Immunology (Univ. Favaloro). Training at the Mental Research Institute, Palo Alto (USA). Professor and author of papers and books. 

Joaquín Ungaretti, Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)

Doctor in Psychology, Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), Research assistant CONICET. University teaching at the Faculty of Psychology of the Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) and at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora. Author of papers and books.

Jésica Agostinelli, Universidad Católica de Santa Fe (UCSF)

Bachelor in Psychology, Universidad Católica de Santa Fe (UCSF) and Specialist in the Systemic Model, Escuela Sistémica Argentina. 



How to Cite

Ceberio, M. R., Ungaretti, J., & Agostinelli, J. (2020). Conditional and unconditional love. : Conditionality and unconditionality of children-parent relationship as opposed to marital relationship. Journal of Research of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, (18), 49-67. Retrieved from //



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