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Author Guidelines

1. Types of papers accepted and subject areas

Original works are received, which can be scientific articles, essays, research notes, topics for reflection and debate, and bibliographic reviews in the following subject areas:

Social communication

Society and Culture or Problems of Society and Culture

Labor Relations

Public Relations
Social Work

Physical Education

Higher Education

Philosophy, Politics and Economics

Information and Communication Technologies

The Journal accepts only original and unpublished works, which are not published in other media, or under review in another scientific magazine or journal. Types of original works:

Scientific article: It shows the results of completed scientific research processes. Subject to external evaluation. The preferred scheme is: introduction - materials and methods - results and discussion. Maximum length: 20 pages.

Essay: It shows an original look or critical position regarding a topic or problem. It must consist of an introduction - a development that reflects the main idea or hypothesis - conclusions. Subject to external evaluation. Maximum length: 20 pages.

Research notes: expository documents that describes the projects or research initiatives in progress. Subject to external evaluation. Max 12 pages.

Topics for reflection and debate: documents that carry out approaches, reviews and/or theoretical discussions, or disciplinary contextualization. Free structure. It must clearly specify the concept, perspective or debate that it addresses and its relevance within the disciplinary field. Subject to external evaluation. Maximum: 40 pages.

Bibliographic reviews: Up to one per thematic area is accepted in each number. It must present the general characteristics of the written part of the book - positive and negative aspects of the text - general conclusion about its relevance and reading recommendation. Subject to editorial decision. Maximum 5 pages.

RIHUMSO does not charge Article Processing Charges (APCs). Accordingly, authors are not charged for reviewing, proofreading, editing, or distributing their contributions. Likewise, the authors do not receive monetary compensation from the journal under any circumstances.

All the materials published in RIHumSO are available in the institutional digital repository of the Universidad Nacional de La Matanza in accordance with Law 26.899 on Open Access Institutional Digital Repositories.

In this way, public access to scientific production and its long-term preservation are guaranteed.

2. Submission method

The authors must generate their own users by registering on the journal's website, according to the tutorial available in the following link.

In case of having any problem in this process, they will be able to give notice of this situation through the mail:

It is a requirement for the submission that the authors have an ORCID identifier, in case of not having one, they can create it through the following link:

3. Plagiarism Detection

After verifying the compliance of the formal requirements of the work received, the journal carries out an exhaustive control of its originality. To this end, the guidelines and principles developed by COPE are followed. The similarity check is carried out by using the online plagiarism detector; the report elaborated by the software is personally reviewed before the detection of any indication of plagiarism or bad practice is communicated to the author. External evaluators also collaborate with the detection of these practices.

The journal seeks to discourage bad practices in scientific publication and are considered as such: plagiarism; the recycling of writings already published by the author; excessive use of self-citation; duplication, overlap, redundancy or simultaneity of submissions to different journals; the use of false data or fraud in the investigation; the use of data, results or materials that are not their authorship without the corresponding citation and authorization; the incorporation of authors who have not made a real contribution to the article.

If any minor bad practice of little extent or importance is detected, the editor contacts the corresponding author to make the pertinent modifications prior to the beginning of the external evaluation.

If the bad practice detected is of greater importance or extent, this circumstance is communicated to the authors, together with the signs of plagiarism, duplication or redundancy detected, and the impossibility of continuing with the evaluation process due to not complying with the originality requirement.

In the case that the bad practice is detected after the publication of the work, the journal will publish a correction or retraction, as appropriate, after contacting the authors. In addition, the editors of the other publications involved will be informed.

4. Co-authorship criteria

Based on the recommendations of many international organizations such as COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics), ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors) and CSE (Council of Science Editors), it is necessary for published authors to state, in case of co-authorship, what role has each of them played in the material to be published. For this, the roles described in the CRediT[1] taxonomy will be considered. (A description that includes the 14 most common roles typically played by contributors/authors)

  1. Conceptualization: Ideas; formulation or evolution of the objectives and general goals of the investigation.
  2. Curated Data: Management activities to make notes on (produce metadata), clean data, and maintain research data (including software code, where necessary to interpret the data itself) for initial use and subsequent reuse.
  3. Formal Analysis: Application of statistical, mathematical, computational, or other formal techniques to analyze or synthesize study data.
  4. Fundraising: Acquisition of financial support for the project that leads to this publication.
  5. Investigation: Conducting an investigation and investigative process, specifically conducting the experiments, or collecting data/evidence.
  6. Methodology: Development or design of the methodology; model creation.
  7. Project administration: Management responsibility and coordination of the planning and execution of the research activity.
  8. Resources: Supply of study materials, reagents, materials, patients, laboratory samples, animals, instrumentation, computer resources or other analysis tools.
  9. Software: Programming, software development; computer software design; implementation of computer code and supporting algorithms; Test of the existing code components.
  10. Supervision: Responsibility for supervision and leadership in the planning and execution of research activities, including external mentoring to the core team.
  11. Validation: Verification, either as part of the activity or separately, of the overall replicability/reproducibility of the results/experiments and other products of the research.
  12. Visualization: Preparation, creation and/or presentation of the published work, specifically the visualization/presentation of data.
  13. Writing – original draft: Preparation, creation and/or presentation of the published work, specifically the writing of the initial draft (including substantive translation).
  14. Writing – review and editing: Preparation, creation and/or presentation of the work published by the members of the original research group, specifically critical review, commentary or review, including the stages before or after publication.

All collaborators who do not meet the aforementioned criteria must appear in the Acknowledgments section.

Each submitted material can include a maximum of up to 6 authors; if this amount is exceeded, its entry into the arbitration process will be subject to consideration by the editorial area of ​​the Magazine.

Clarifications regarding simultaneous or consecutive submissions:

Due to editorial policies linked to guaranteeing the quality and heterogeneity of the numbers published in this Journal, No more than one material will be published of an author in a same number or two consecutive numbers. This consideration extends to the case of one author as well as to those cases of co-authorship in which most of the authors have already been published in the previous number.

5. Structure and Writing

The material must be presented in: Word processor or similar (file type.doc or rtf.), aligned in justified mode, composed with a spacing of 1.5 lines, Arial font size 11, A4 size paper (21cm x 29.7cm), upper and lower margins 2.5cm; left and right 3cm. The maximum length includes personal references, graphs and tables. The notes will go at the bottom of the page and will be numbered consecutively.

Papers are received in Spanish, Portuguese and English.

All works submitted for consideration must include:

  1. a) Title of the work: Indicate if it is an article, essay, research note, topic of reflection and debate, or bibliographic review.
  2. b) Add the slogan: "Original work authorized for its first publication in the RIHumSO Journal and its dissemination and electronic publication through various scientific portals."
  3. c) Author(s): include the surname and full name of the main and secondary author(s), affiliation/institutional affiliation, updated email, ORCID identifier and Summary CV (maximum 10 lines). Optionally, links to other academic social networks and/or personal websites such as Google Scholar or Academia, among others, may be included.
  4. d) The institutional affiliation must be indicated with the full name of the Institution in which the work was established and its corresponding initials in parentheses ()
  5. e) Abstract: written in Spanish. No more than 150 words. It must explain the main objectives of the study, describe the used methodology, indicate the main results and present the main conclusion.
  6. f) Key words: written in Spanish. That do not exceed three or five words.
  7. g) Abstract: written in English, no more than 150 words.
  8. h) Key words: written in English. Do not exceed three or five words.
  9. i) Emphasize words in bold. The technical terms when they appear defined for the first time should be in italics or italics. Foreign words should be in italics and their translation in parentheses. Titles and subtitles: they must be clearly and briefly.
  10. j) All the illustrations, figures and tables are within the text in the place that corresponds to them and not at the end of the work.
  11. k) Only the annotated bibliography will be consigned; will be listed alphabetically after the notes in a separate section under the heading Bibliographic references, following the APA (American Psychological Association) standard of bibliographic references according to the following examples:

Quote less than 40 words: When the quote has less than 40 words, it is written immersed in the text and between quotation marks, without italics. Point is written after the end of the sentence that includes the quote and all the data. Example: At that moment, if something happens to one electron, it is immediately transmitted to the other because their wave functions are connected by an invisible thread. “This means that, in a sense, what happens to us instantly affects things in the far reaches of the universe, [...] In a sense there is a skein of entanglement that connects far reaches of the universe, including us.”(Kaku, 2009, p.90).

Quote of more than 40 words: Quotations that are longer than 40 words are written apart from the text, with left indent applied to the paragraph and without quotation marks. Size is preserved. At the end of the quote, a point is placed after the data. Example: At that moment, if something happens to one electron, it is immediately transmitted to the other because their wave functions are connected by an invisible thread. Kaku (2009) states: This means that, in a sense, what happens to us instantly affects things in the far reaches of the universe, since our wave functions were probably entangled at the beginning of time. In a certain sense there is a skein of intertwining that connects far reaches of the universe, including us (p.90).

Paraphrase quote: In the paraphrasing quote the ideas of an author are used, but in the writer's own words. In this citation it is necessary to include the author's last name and the year of publication. A paraphrasing quote from the example above could be: At that moment, if something happens to one electron, it is immediately transmitted to the other because their wave functions are connected by an invisible thread. Thus, things that affect us can have repercussions elsewhere in the universe because there is an entanglement that connects our wave functions at their far reaches (Kaku, 2009).

Basic book
Surname, A. (Year). Title. Editorial

Book in electronic version
Surname, A. (Year). Title. Retrieved from http://www.example.123

Surname, A. (Year). Title. doi: 00-00000000

Basic journal article
Surname, A. (Date). Article title. Magazine name, Volume (number), pp-pp.


Castro, B. (2016). Construction and transformation of masculinities of the sugar cane cutters of Valle del Cauca. Revista Colombiana de Sociología (RCS), 39(1), 79-102

Online journal article
Surname, A. (year, month, day). Article title. Magazine name. Retrieved from http://www.example.123

Basic Newspaper
Surname A. (Date). Article title. Name of the newspaper, pp-pp.

Online newspaper
Surname, A. (Date). Article title. Name of the newspaper. Retrieved from http://www.example.123

Thesis and undergraduate works
Author, A. (Year). Title of the thesis (undergraduate, master's or doctoral thesis). Name of the institution, Place.

Online thesis and undergraduate works
Author, A. (Year). Title of the thesis (undergraduate, master's or doctoral thesis). Retrieved from http://www.example.123

Symposiums and conferences
Author, A. (Date). Presentation title. Surname of the president of the congress (Presidency), Title of the symposium or congress. Symposium or conference held at the congress Name of the organization, place.

Primary Research Data Reference

Author, A. (Year) Title. Resource type. Version. Repository, Unique and persistent identifier


Gimenez, G.A. (2023). Conducted Interviews to teachers of initial subjects in the humanities and social sciences courses at UNLaM. (Dataset). Version of May 15, 2023. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas.

Primary research data

In compliance with the CONICET resolution, all authors of scientific productions covered by Law 26.899 on Open Access Institutional Repositories are required to provide access to supporting research data and guarantee its deposit, in accordance with what is expressed in the aforementioned Law (art. 3, 5 and 6).

The citation of research data allows its reuse and validation of research by the scientific community, supporting transparency, identification and recognition of authorship. The Journal recommends following the FAIR principles (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability and Reuse) in the publication of research data.

 6. Author´s Affidavit

The texts must be accompanied by a .doc or .rtf document with the attached declaration:

Authorization to publish and Declaration of authorship


          (place and date)…………., ….. of …….. of 2023


………………………………. hereby authorizes RIHumSo, Research Journal of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Universidad Nacional de La Matanza, so that the article of my / our authorship “…………………………………… …………..” can proceed to its dissemination and electronic publication through different scientific portals.

This authorization covers:

          - The rights of transformation, reproduction and public communication of the full texts of the articles published in RIHumSo, for:

          - Adapt, when necessary, the publications to format, image or appearance of the Internet.

          - Reproduce the publications in a digital support for their incorporation into electronic databases (CLASE, Dialnet, Redalyc, others) together with the authorization to store it on those servers and the right to make any temporary reproduction necessary to allow users to view, reproduce or save it in digital support or on paper in accordance with the permissions authorized by the CC Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 3.0 Unported license.

          - Make public communication or make available such publications through the Internet within the framework of the indicated electronic databases (CLASE, Dialnet, Redalyc, others).

          - Facilitate free access to the complete texts of said publication/s, in scientific portals.

I/we declare that people who have made a contribution that corresponds to the authorship criteria defined by the journal are not excluded from this presentation.

In case of co-authorship: We declare that we are the authors of the indicated work; as well as we leave reflected in the following table, our contributions according to the roles determined in the CRediT taxonomy; according to the criteria and details defined in the guidelines for authors published on the Journal's website.


Roles \ Authors














Curated Data







Formal Analysis




























Project administration










































Writing –Original draft







Writing – review and editing








Name and surname








Signature (digital or handwritten)

Signature Clarification


Download Autor Guidelines

Download Affidavit

[1]To expand this information visit

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The paper should not have been previously submitted or presented for review in another Journal (or a clear explanation must be presented in the Comments to the Editor).

  • The document must be presented in OpenOffice format, Microsoft Word, RTF or WordPerfect.
  • When possible, the references should include their URL.
  • Text must be formatted for A4-size paper, with 1.5-line spacing, and text set in Arial 11, use italics instead of underlining (except for URL); all illustrations, tables and figures must be placed within the text and not at the end.
  • Authors who submit a paper for review by uploading it directly to the RIHUMSO site ensure that the submission complies with the requirements of a blind review (the file should NOT contain the names and surnames of the author(s) in the body of the text or in the file properties).
  • The article is in English, Spanish or Portuguese and includes an abstract and keywords in English and Spanish.
  • Authors undertake to inform the Editor of all financial and personal relationships that may affect the impartiality of their work.
  • Authors accept that the final decision on the publication of a manuscript will always be made by the Editorial Team and the Editorial Board, which will evaluate the original text, the suggestions made by the consultants and the modifications sent by the author.
  • The text must fulfil the bibliographical requirements of APA 7th.

  • The authors agree that the opinions expressed in the articles are their sole responsibility, their admission does not mean that the Revista RiHumSO or the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Universidad de La Matanza endorse them.
  • Authors undertake to comply with the requirements set forth in the GUIDELINES FOR AUTHORS and to provide the requested data: last name and first name, institutional affiliation/association, updated e-mail address, ORCID identifier (mandatory) and CV summarized in a separate file of the material to be evaluated.

Privacy Statement

Names and emails are used only for the specific purposes of this Journal.