Immeasurable socializations regarding the ‘memory’ of the Eucharist. Hybrid analysis of the interpretation of the memory of the essential symbol of Christian Faith among religious paradigms


  • Raúl Ernesto Rocha Gutierrez Seminario Internacional Teológico Bautista (SITB)


Eucharist, socializations, memory, rite, symbol


“Eucharist” constitutes a transliteration of Greek “eucharistía”, `thanksgiving', the name that the Church Fathers assigned to the Lord’s Supper, the rite/symbol whereby Christians commemorate Christ´s sacrifice in the cross, when he renounced his life in order to grant eternal salvation to those who believe in Him. But, in spite of its importance within Christian faith - or perhaps because of it – not all Christians understand the “commemoration” of the “Eucharist” in the same way. In the present work, based on the principles of the Sociology of religion – in “hybridization” with other Religion sciences, and with Biblical and Language sciences - the existing unfathomability between the socializations of the two most disparate religious interpretations is analyzed: the Catholic Church´s own stand and that stemming from the “Radical” Reformation

Author Biography

  • Raúl Ernesto Rocha Gutierrez, Seminario Internacional Teológico Bautista (SITB)

    Doctor in Theology (SITB), Doctor in Social Sciences, Bachelor and Professor in Literature (UBA), Master in Social Sciences (UNLaM) and especialization in Filology, Universidad de Costa Rica, (U. de C.R.). 





Philosophy, Politics and Economy

How to Cite

Immeasurable socializations regarding the ‘memory’ of the Eucharist. Hybrid analysis of the interpretation of the memory of the essential symbol of Christian Faith among religious paradigms. (2019). Journal of Research of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(16), 149-176. //