The danger of paradigms

A reflection on Giorgio Agamben's interpretation of COVID-19 health crisis


  • Mateo Belgrano UCA - UNLAM - CONICET


On February 26, 2020, Giorgio Agamben published an article entitled “The invention of an epidemic” on, where he maintains that the epidemic is an excuse for governments to declare a state of emergency that grants them extraordinary powers. Agamben carries out this reading of the sanitary crisis, applying his work on states of exception and concentration camps as a theoretical framework. The “Agamben case” poses the following questions: how does philosophy deal with and work with empirical facts? What is the link between paradigms and facts? The health crisis produced by COVID-19 and, in particular, many philosophers’ role in it, has resulted in the manifestation of other symptoms, i.e. the crisis of what we will call, in line with Quentin Meillassoux (2019), post-Kantian philosophy.





Philosophy, Politics and Economy

How to Cite

The danger of paradigms: A reflection on Giorgio Agamben’s interpretation of COVID-19 health crisis . (2020). Journal of Research of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, 18, 139-153. //