Social representations featured in TV soap-operas about surrogate pregnancies in Argentina.

Pequeña Victoria's case.



Surrogate pregnancy is one of the most controversial assisted-fertility techniques, due to the emotional, psychosocial and biopolitical implications it entails. Therefore, from this standpoint, we will present the arguments for and against the implementation of this technique and the judicial decisions that have endorsed it in Argentina. In 2019, Little Victory, a televised soap-opera, became popular. It deals with the origins of a girl conceived by means of donated sperm planted in a surrogate mother´s womb. Triggered by this TV program, a survey was carried out among 250 college students between  18 and 25 years of age, to find out their ideas regarding the controversial technique of assisted fertility and concluding that young people have both little knowledge of fertilization techniques and unclear ideas about motherhood.

Author Biography

  • Elizabeth Beatriz Ormart, Universidad Nacional de La Matanza (UNLaM)

    Joint Professor of Psychology, Ethics and Human Rights. Coordinator of professional practice at the Faculty of Psychology, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Joint Professor, Introduction to Scientific Knowledge, Department of Economy, Universidad de La Matanza. PhD in Psychology. 





Social Communication

How to Cite

Social representations featured in TV soap-operas about surrogate pregnancies in Argentina. : Pequeña Victoria’s case. (2020). Journal of Research of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, 18, 29-47. //