The backfire technique in the 2021 madrid regional elections: from Unidas Podemos to vox


  • Pedro Portas Universidad Complutense de Madrid



The following scientific article analyzes the backfire technique in the latest regional elections in the Autonomous Community of Madrid in May 2021. Unidas Podemos and Vox both resorted to this political communication tool to discredit their adversary and try to change public opinion's judgment about him. For this article´s purpose, a longitudinal bibliographic research study of the meaning of backfire has been used; a prevalent study has selected the spots of each formation; and a descriptive cross-sectional study has established the main parameters of confluence between both tools and strategies of political communication. It has been found that the use of backfire contributed to the fluctuation of voting behaviour, as well as the fact that negative campaigns greatly influence voters´ mood when choosing the ballot.





Philosophy, Politics and Economy

How to Cite

The backfire technique in the 2021 madrid regional elections: from Unidas Podemos to vox. (2022). Journal of Research of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, 21, 59-82.