Decolonizing Human Rights: A debate in the light of decolonial thinking




Human rights, Decolonial, Africa, Ethnocentrism


This study starts from the assumption that a hegemonic view of human rights, based on Western universalist principles, ends up prevailing over others. Although critical approaches have emerged throughout history seeking a broader perspective, the discussion remains dominated by ethnocentric principles imposed globally and legitimized by international institutions. Drawing on decolonial thought, we argue for the need to decolonize this debate, questioning notions of progress and development, and abandoning forms of thought that devalue different perspectives. Decolonialism proposes an approach to human rights that takes into account the specificities of each society, while maintaining a focus on the promotion of human dignity as an essential universality. Finally, this study engages in a counter-hegemonic movement by including African voices, highlighting their perspectives on ethnocentric human rights imposed on them. This highlights that such values do not actually benefit them, but perpetuate a colonial logic of confinement.

Author Biography

  • Lucas Damasceno Tomazella, San Tiago Dantas (UNESP, UNICAMP e PUC-SP)

    Doutorando no Programa de Pós Graduação San Tiago Dantas (Unesp, Unicamp, PUC-SP). Graduado em Relações Internacionais pela Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU) e Mestre pelo Programa de Pós Graduação San Tiago Dantas (Unesp, Unicamp, PUC-SP). Agenda de pesquisa e publicações em tópicos relacionados aos Direitos Humanos, Governança Global, Brasil e Estados Unidos





Philosophy, Politics and Economy

How to Cite

Decolonizing Human Rights: A debate in the light of decolonial thinking. (2024). Journal of Research of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, 26, 177-198.