Science communication in engineering: a radio experience


  • Vanina Belén Canavire Universidad Nacional de Jujuy (UNJu) CONICET


scientific communication, Radio, National University of Jujuy, scientists, engineering


Considering the classical approaches of public understanding of science, and the various meanings attributed to the practice of science communication, in this article, we present a radio product developed at the National University of Jujuy (Argentina), doomed to the public communication of the hard sciences, specifically to the field of engineering. The challenge of making a program on science and technology is multiple and complex as it is virtuously articulate a set of dissimilar elements, typical of the mass media and the scientific work. We conclude that, in the radial gender, scientific communication is possible provided it is understood that representatives of science –not the science– is transmitted, and if it is intended to produce collective social senses around scientific knowledge through the interplay between actors in the scientific community and society. 

Author Biography

  • Vanina Belén Canavire, Universidad Nacional de Jujuy (UNJu) CONICET

    Dr. in Social Studies of Latin America (UNC); Specialist on Communication Research (UNC); Postdoctoral scholar (CONICET). Teacher and researcer in Universidad Nacional de Jujuy (UNJu).




How to Cite

Science communication in engineering: a radio experience. (2016). Journal of Research of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(8), 47-64. //