On the concepts of data, information and knowledge in a changing society. Epistemological implications.





knowledge, information, data, quantification, Knowledge, Information, Data, Quantification, Algorithm


The essay explores the coexistence of the “knowledge society”, “information society” and “data society” trends, emphasizing that each one highlights different dimensions of current social reality. Along these lines, the distinction between data, information and knowledge is analyzed, highlighting that although these terms are often used interchangeably, they have different meanings and that the way of conceiving their interrelation implies different epistemological positions. Focusing on the data society scenario, the implications that algorithms and big data have for understanding reality and for the generation of knowledge are also discussed. This represents a challenge for the humanities and social sciences, and forces us to reconsider some questions suggested by the sociology of quantification.

Author Biography

Stella Escandell, Universidad Nacional de San Martín

Lic. En Ciencia Política (UBA). Magister en Administración Pública (UBA). Egresada del Programa Regional de Formación en Planeamiento y Gestión de Políticas Educativas del Instituto Internacional de Planeamiento Educativo – UNESCO sede Buenos Aires. Doctoranda en Ciencias Humanas (Universidad Nacional de San Martín).



How to Cite

Escandell, S. (2024). On the concepts of data, information and knowledge in a changing society. Epistemological implications . Journal of Research of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, (26), 55-81. https://doi.org/10.54789/rihumso.



Society and Culture