International migration in ecuador: causes, consequences and current situation


  • Lenin Paladines Paredes Universidad de Loja (UNL)


dollarization, migrants, remittances, return, socioeconomic


This essay makes a theoretical approach to the phenomenon of migration in Ecuador, analyzing its causes chronologically, together with the socioeconomic problems caused by financial crises and dollarization. An analysis is also made of the profile of Ecuadorian migrants based on the activities carried out at their destinations, as well as the economic impact of remittances in the country. Finally, this article delves into the policies proposed by different governments in order to foster migrants´ return and into the current situation of migration in Ecuador.

Author Biography

  • Lenin Paladines Paredes, Universidad de Loja (UNL)
    University teacher, Master in Education research, specialist on Linguistics and Literature Didactics, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona






Society and Culture

How to Cite

International migration in ecuador: causes, consequences and current situation. (2018). Journal of Research of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, 14, 73-98. //