A trip into a community radio. Management at FM la colectiva



The article does research into the characteristics, history and social environment of a community and alternative radio experience, as it is FM La Colectiva, from Buenos Aires city, with a 14-year history. It is a case study that emphasizes the project´s management dimensions in order to learn and understand what it means to develop and sustain a participatory communication project in the current context. This text seeks to gain an in-depth understanding of a non-profit experience, its ways of working, its organizational, communicational, economic, and administrative aspects, with the aim of contributing towards a comprehensive understanding of the broad and diverse field of community communication, from the starting point of acknowledging the specificities of each particular experience and put them into context with the sectors and milieux they belong to.

Author Biography

  • Francisco Godinez Galay, Centro de Producciones Radiofónicas
    Director Centro de Producciones Radiofónicas. (CPR). Licenciado en Comunicación (UBA). Especialista en salvaguarda del patrimonio cultural inmaterial (UNC-UNESCO). Cursando maestría en Industrias Culturales (UNQ). Investigador, capacitador, productor y consultor en radio con fines sociales. Autor de “El radiodrama en la comunicación de mensajes sociales” y coautor de “Como sea. Sostenibilidad económico amdinistrativa en radios comunitarias de Argentina” y “RadioTIC. Usos y apropiaciones de TIC en radios comunitarias de Buenos Aires” y de diversos papers, capítulos de libros y artículos sobre medios, radio, radio comunitaria y narrativas sonoras. Miembro fundador de SONODOC Foro de Documental Sonoro en Español.


2020-07-17 — Updated on 2020-07-22




Social Communication

How to Cite

A trip into a community radio. Management at FM la colectiva. (2020). Journal of Research of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, 17, 87-106. //rihumso.unlam.edu.ar/index.php/humanidades/article/view/202 (Original work published 2020)