The first year at a university in the suburbs of Buenos Aires.

An analysis from the perspective of multiple stakeholders


  • Laura Frasco Zuker conicet
  • Graciela Areces
  • Mercedes Branchi
  • Pablo Castro Citera
  • Victoria Gessaghi
  • Nancy Marcenaro
  • María Victoria Restano
  • María Victoria Saez



This article presents the partial results of research carried out at the National University of La Matanza (UNLaM). These account for the main tensions and challenges that occur in the first year of the bachelor’s degree in Nutrition, related to the problems of keeping and promoting students. Interviews were conducted with students, teachers and key actors at the university, linked to the specific problem of access and permanence, as well as class observations. As our main conclusion, we state that problems posed during the first year of this degree require an articulated and comprehensive approach of all actors involved, which favours the institutional affiliation process





Higher Education

How to Cite

The first year at a university in the suburbs of Buenos Aires. : An analysis from the perspective of multiple stakeholders. (2022). Journal of Research of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, 21, 35-57.