Media and fears. The journalistic coverage of insecurity in Argentina


  • Belén Amadeo Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)
  • Natalia Aruguete Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (UNQ) CONICET


Safety, framing, moral panic, waves of violence, Argentina


An event becomes news when the journalists consider it relevant enough to make it public. These issues are significant to the audience depending either on their own direct connection with the story or on the acknowledgement and emphasis the media put on their coverage. The newsmaking process responds to multiple factors that have been thoroughly studied from diverse perspectives. Among them, the Framing theory states that the frames, the standards, the symbols and meanings found in media coverage belong to the society in which they are embedded.

When analyzing the news treatments of criminal cases, for example, it is easy to see that the “sensation of lack of safety” is dealt with as if it were synonymous with “misdemeanour” or “felony” despite the big differences these concepts show.

In the last few years, the feeling of vulnerability became the mail concern among the citizens and, when such a feeling scales, it turns into panic and runs the risk of being spread to the whole society. In this context, when analyzing the treatment media give to criminal cases, the Framing theory can strongly support the analysis of the “feeling of lack of safety” (Kessler, 2009), the “moral panic” (Cohen, 2009) or the “waves of violence” (Fernández Pedemonte, 2005). 

Author Biographies

  • Belén Amadeo, Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)
    Doctor in Public Communication, Universidad de Navarra, España. Bachelor in Political Science, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Researcher in public opinion and political communication, Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA).
  • Natalia Aruguete, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (UNQ) CONICET

    Doctor in Social Science and Humanities Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (UNQ), Argentina. Master in Economic Sociology,  (Idaes- Unsam), Argentina. Researcher in Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (Conicet) and UNQ.






Social Communication

How to Cite

Media and fears. The journalistic coverage of insecurity in Argentina. (2013). Journal of Research of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(3), 14-31. //