Hegel's Ontology: Happening and motility


  • Ricardo Miguel Etchegaray Universidad Nacional de La Matanza


Ontology, Difference, Motility


Firstly, this paper unfolds Marcuse’s interpretation of Hegel's ontology following major "onto-logical" categories built in order to answer the fundamental question of all ontology: the question of being. Secondly, it points the way to a philosophy of difference, whose main objective is to understand the being of beings as excision, crack, motility and event. By this means, the paper moves toward a form of thought and language that departs the fixed and immobile foundation to gain understanding as becoming, encompassing flows, actions and movement expressed in the verb.

Author Biography

  • Ricardo Miguel Etchegaray, Universidad Nacional de La Matanza

    Professor in Philosophy (Universidad de Buenos Aires), Master in Social Science (Universidad Nacional de La Matanza), Doctor in Philosophy (Universidad del Salvador). Professor and researcher in Universidad Nacional de La Matanza and Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora. 






Philosophy, Politics and Economy

How to Cite

Hegel’s Ontology: Happening and motility. (2017). Journal of Research of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(11), 52-81. //rihumso.unlam.edu.ar/index.php/humanidades/article/view/117