Scope and significance of Ismael Quiles’ thought


  • Dulce María Santiago Universidad Católica Argentina (UCA)


Intercultural Dialogue, Latin-America, Orality, Testimonies


Ismael Quiles (1906-1992) tried to renew the scholastic philosophy in which he had been formed, with the philosophy of his time and with the Eastern thought that has been influencing the West decisively since mid-20th century. His thinking publications are the starting point of my special research, in which I highlight the two most important aspects of his philosophical trajectory: his in-sistential philosophy and his approach to oriental thought, an aspect that is especially relevant because, according to Quiles, the people of Latin America are a bridge, a conjunction of East and West. It is important to establish the contribution of Quiles to intercultural dialogue: East-West and East- native cultures. In order to do this, we will be working on two lines, which respond to two different but connected approaches, since they are both testimonial: On the one hand, his own testimony, based on his Autobiography; on the other hand, the testimonies obtained through interviews to people who knew him personally or who had contact with his work, not always intellectual ones, which have enabled the access to a more "vital" understanding of his thinking.

Author Biography

  • Dulce María Santiago, Universidad Católica Argentina (UCA)

    Dr. in Philosophy, Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina (2006). Teacher in Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina and niversidad Nacional Santo Tomás de Aquino. Researcher on Latin-American Thought (Universidad Nacional del Sur). Author of articles and books about Latin-American cultural issues.






Philosophy, Politics and Economy

How to Cite

Scope and significance of Ismael Quiles’ thought. (2017). Journal of Research of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(11), 59-69. //