UNLAM student’s attitude towards gender and gender violence


  • Luciana Edith Veneranda Universidad Nacional de La Matanza (UNLaM)


Gender, Violence(s), Education, University


The Present article shows the results of research conducted in the framework of the Science and Technical Research Program at Matanza University (CyTMa). It reflects meaning constructs with regards to gender and gender-based violence that students perform. Results emerge from the implementation of a questionnaire based on a probabilistic sample in the second semester of 2018. This research arises from the placement of a teaching and research team, which consequently enlarges the gender issue by bringing up questions about teaching practices and the university, in as much as the latter becomes a space for social construction of discourses and practices. These results are complemented by others already produced and exposed in The VII International University Congress “Gender and Research” of Sevilla University; in the 17° Symposium “Sexualities_Genders”, organized by Cordoba Psychoanalytic Association, in Córdoba province, Argentina. The present research goes further in its consideration of the understanding of the conceptual frameworks from which teachers conceive and carry out their practices, the latter not always being in-keeping with the former.

Author Biography

  • Luciana Edith Veneranda, Universidad Nacional de La Matanza (UNLaM)

    Bachelor in Social Work. Graduated of the Interdisciplinary Residence in Mental Health, Cordoba, Argentina. Expert in Socioeducative interventions in disadvantaged environments, Universidad Internacional de Andalucía (UNIA). 





Higher Education

How to Cite

UNLAM student’s attitude towards gender and gender violence. (2019). Journal of Research of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(16), 59-82. //rihumso.unlam.edu.ar/index.php/humanidades/article/view/187