An approach to the debate about education and work in Argentina. The case of the professional automotive family


  • Miguel Ángel Alfredo Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)


Professional Technical Education, professional profile, Automotive


This article explores the experience of work training related to the Automotive Professional Family belonging to Professional Technical Education (ETP). Resuming its institutional development, the territorial anchoring and the professional profiles developed for this modality are described. Based on definitions provided by the INET and previous initiatives of the MTESS, the experience managed by the SMATA (Union of Mechanics and Allied of the Automotive Transport) and the Company Mercedes Benz S.A. is retrieved. Discussing essentialist positions about the links between education and work, the case analysed starts from the assumption of the need to understand the links between these spheres, anchored in situated socio-historical contexts. Secondary data from the sociology of education is revisited, with the aim to rebuild the situational state of the modality for the aforementioned professional family.

Author Biography

  • Miguel Ángel Alfredo, Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)

    Bachelor degree in Sociology and PhD candidate in Social Sciences of the Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). Scholarship holder for strategic topics of the CONICET. Research assistant of the Programme of Studies and Work Relations of UMET (Universidad Metropolitana para la Educación y el Trabajo) /FLACSO Argentina. Certificate in Studies and Youth Policies in Latin America (Programme Youth /FLACSO). Teacher at  Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA).





Higher Education

How to Cite

An approach to the debate about education and work in Argentina. The case of the professional automotive family. (2019). Journal of Research of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(16), 83-106. //