Impact of workaholism in organisations: causes and consequences on employee well-being



workaholism, organisation, stress, engagement, health


Workaholism is a term that has been gathering importance in the past years. It refers to an excess of work due to uncontrollable impulse generated by internal pressures. However, the addict does not enjoy the work. Workaholism causes a psychosocial damage, since the worker presents signs of psychological unrest, stress, irritation, etc. There are several attributes that increase the possibilities of suffering from this addiction and also several consequences at the individual and organisational level. This makes the prevention methods highly relevant. It is also important to differentiate between workaholism and engagement, since they can be confused at first sight. The confusion between the two could be hurtful for the organisation, because there is a big difference in the levels of performance and productivity.

Author Biographies

  • Adela Reig-Botella, Universidad Da Coruña (UDC)
    Doctor and specialist in Security and ocupational health. Author of several papers in this topic. Researcher in topics of applied psychology and work risk prevention and other issues that relate the occupational world with psychology. She has been working for entities such as Dirección Xeral de Relacións Laborais de la Consellería de Traballo de la Xunta de Galicia and Instituto Galego de Seguridade e Saúde Laboral.
  • Alicia Cabarcos Fernández, Universidad Da Coruña (UDC)
    Bachelor in Labor relations and Human Resources. Universidad de A Coruña. 





Labour Relations

How to Cite

Impact of workaholism in organisations: causes and consequences on employee well-being. (2020). Journal of Research of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, 17, 3-24. //