Professional training: technological change and labour relations


  • Pablo Granovsky Universidad Nacional de la Matanza
  • María Alejandra Perez Universidad Nacional de La Matanza (UNLaM)


This paper expresses some conceptual thoughts based on ongoing research, which analyses the incidence of technological changes on the work world, which demand, in turn, new skills from workers and the need to develop public policies to regulate them. For this reason, this research is centred around public policies for Vocational Training (FP) devised by the Education and Labour ministries, from the perspective of trade unions, technical and public officials related to employment and FP policies; and the electrical, automotive and construction industry sectors. The period between 2003-2015 is selected for analysis in view of the diversity of VET policies developed after the 2001 crisis. Additionally, a previous line of research is furthered, on the relationship between work and education, on the axes of work, employment and professional training.

Author Biographies

  • Pablo Granovsky, Universidad Nacional de la Matanza
    Licenciado en sociología por la Universidad de Buenos Aires, Licenciado en comercialización por la Universidad de Palermo, Magister en Ciencias Sociales del Trabajo por la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Docente de metodología de la investigación en la UNLaM en las carreras de Relaciones Laborales, Trabajo Social y Comunicación Social. Docente en la carrera de Relaciones de Trabajo de la Universidad de Buenos Aires en la Materia Sociología del Trabajo. Actualmente consultor externo del Ministerio de Trabajo, Empleo y Seguridad Social de la Nación, del IERIC y de la fundación UOCRA en temas de gestión de recursos humanos, cambio tecnológico, empleo y formación
  • María Alejandra Perez, Universidad Nacional de La Matanza (UNLaM)

    PhD  in Law (UNLaM), Master in Higher Education (UNLaM), Lawyer (UNLaM), Joint Professor at UNLaM and UBA 





Labour Relations

How to Cite

Professional training: technological change and labour relations. (2021). Journal of Research of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, 19, 53-69. //