Characteristics of female reclused Angoleñas


  • Analia Veronica Losada Universidad Católica Argentina
  • Juscelina Evelize Do Sacramento Fernandes Universidad Argentina John F. Kennedy



Feminine criminality, Psychosocial characteristics of women prisoners, Angola


Feminine crime was hardly detected since much of it remained in the invisibility of intimacy.

The aim of this paper is to gain insights into the characteristics of Angolan women prisoners and to understand the meaning and significance that they assign to their experiences.

The procedure is anchored in the qualitative research paradigm, through a semi-structured interview. Six inmates at the Luanda Women's Prison Establishment participated in this research.

The results reveal that the most frequent crime among the inmates interviewed is homicide. All the participating women have children, and their greatest fear is being left without them.

In the present research, the social relationships among the inmates were marked by a permanent state of latent tension, feelings of boredom towards themselves and their mates. The prison approach must provide intervention strategies that act directly or indirectly upon sentence execution.





Society and Culture

How to Cite

Characteristics of female reclused Angoleñas. (2021). Journal of Research of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, 20, 83-106.