Importance of psychology in perinatal care and attention. A systematic review


  • Silvana Baró Universidad de Flores (UFLO)



Perinatal care, Perinatal mental health, Work of the psychologist, Interdisciplinary


Pregnancy, child delivery and postpartum constitute periods that require attention and care in women´s lives, as well as their babies, who are born defenceless. This perinatal period requires professionals who conceive health as comprehensive and as a right. Consequently, psychology professionals play an important role. The objective of this systematic review was to identify the need for perinatal care and attention provided by Psychology. Out of the 61 articles found in PubMed and Dialnet, 21 were reviewed, most

of them systematically. It is concluded that given the need for special care, the work of psychologists becomes important, integrating interdisciplinary teams devoted to the necessary care and support for mothers, new-born babies and the family as a whole. In addition, it is also vital to eliminate sociocultural barriers in perinatal care. Little research was found on the work of psychologists in perinatal care so far.





Society and Culture

How to Cite

Importance of psychology in perinatal care and attention. A systematic review. (2022). Journal of Research of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, 21, 19-33.