Migratory transits and social representations

the case of transvestites/trans residing in Argentina


  • Ramiro Nicolas Perez Ripossio UBA-CONICET-IIGG




migratory transits; violence; discrimination; social representations


The article analyzes the migratory transits of South American transvestites/trans who live in the AMBA (Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area). To do this, it focuses on the contexts of origin, observing the main characteristics of migration and insertion in the receiving society. In addition, the social representations they build in relation to this territory are described, understanding show their expectations have changed over time. A qualitative approach based on the Grounded Theory is used and the in-depth interview is used as the main research technique, complementing it with participant observation. The article found that migration is a consequence of the multiple hostilities they experience in their societies of origin. In addition, it was discovered that the transvestites/trans that social representations have an impact on the decision to migrate, characterizing it as an open scenario to express their gender identities, but also identifying it as a discriminatory scenario.





Society and Culture

How to Cite

Migratory transits and social representations: the case of transvestites/trans residing in Argentina. (2023). Journal of Research of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, 24, 35-61. https://doi.org/10.54789/rihumso.