La vegetariana de Han Kang: Una alegoría posmoderna de la lucha de las mujeres por el poder y la libertad.


  • Paola Bica Universidad Nacional de San Martín (UNSAM)



Literature, gender, society, power, postmodernism


In this essay, the postmodern novel The Vegetarian (2015) written by Korean author Han Kang will be analyzed. The aim of this paper is to develop an allegorical reading from a feminist perspective, exploring different issues such as patriarchal norms, objectification of women and violence against them.
From a postmodern poetics’ point of view, multiple realities and certainties will be questioned and the construction/deconstruction of zones will help the reader to think about the different worlds and representations.

Author Biography

  • Paola Bica, Universidad Nacional de San Martín (UNSAM)

    Paola Bica graduated in 2014 as English teacher and as a specialist in Education and Technologies of Information and Communication. She is currently enrolled in the Bachelor degree course in English Language oriented to literature and cinema (Universidad Nacional de San Martin) and in the Bachelor degree course in Education (Universidad Nacional de Hurlingham). 





Society and Culture

How to Cite

La vegetariana de Han Kang: Una alegoría posmoderna de la lucha de las mujeres por el poder y la libertad. (2023). Journal of Research of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, 23, 47-57.