The College English Textbook: Inclusion and Equality as Content.




course book, inclusion and equality, EFL, acedemic literacy


The importance of textbooks as valid and legitimate sources of knowledge is a field worth exploring due to the influence they exert. English-as-a-foreign-language textbooks, generally imported from English-speaking countries, often present stereotyped and decontextualized topics. That's why, at the National University of La Matanza, in the English department, we design our own materials. In 2023, we implemented material with a social focus on inclusion and equality: specifically, different abilities, gender discrimination, and study techniques. This theme was approached through academic literacy and literature too. At the end of the semester, surveys were conducted to analyze the opinions of both students and teachers. The results showed that, despite representing a cognitive challenge, both students and teachers positively appreciated the new material. This indicator encourages us to take on the challenge of designing materials based on the issues relevant to our continent.

Author Biographies

  • Iris Morena, Universidad Nacional de La Matanza

    Magister en la Enseñanza del Inglés como Lengua Extranjera. Especialista Docente de Educación Superior en Educación y TIC. Especialista en Lectura, Escritura y Educación con Orientación en Cs Sc y Diplomada en Lectura, Escritura y Educación con Orientación en Cs Sc. Licenciada en Inglés.  Investigadora, categoría IV, Proince

  • MAría Ofelia Rosas, Universidad Nacional de La Matanza

    Especialista en docencia universitaria. Licenciada en Educación con orientación en lengua inglesa. Traductora Pública de inglés. Docente Investigadora, categoría IV, Programa Proince.

  • Ana Claudia Saraceni, Universidad Nacional de La Matanza

    Magíster en lingüística inglesa aplicada. Licenciada en Lengua Inglesa. Licenciada en Administración de la Educación Superior. Diplomada Universitaria en la Pedagogía de la Fonética Inglesa. Docente Investigadora, Categoría III, Proince





Higher Education

How to Cite

The College English Textbook: Inclusion and Equality as Content. (2024). Journal of Research of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, 26, 139-150.