Identity construction in the target population of employment programs


  • Patricia Schettini Facultad de Trabajo Social, Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP)
  • Victoria Andrea Trindade Facultad de Trabajo Social, Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP)
  • Inés Cortazzo Facultad de Trabajo Social, Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP)


Identity, employment programs, unemployment, poverty


This paper presents some considerations about the new concepts of identity around the issue of the lack of jobs for the most vulnerable population in Argentine. So, we highlight the significante of employment in the constitution of identity and then frame the current discussion on the diversity of identities. At last, we present the issue in the context of poverty and unemployment. The conclusions are based on previous qualitative research executed in Buenos Aires. As a conclusion, we assert that social policy established the rules of the game in the neighborhoods at the same time it encouraged new sociability rules that allow the configuration of new identities.

Author Biographies

  • Patricia Schettini, Facultad de Trabajo Social, Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP)
    Mg. en Ciencias Políticas (IDAES-UNSM), Lic. en Ciencia Política; Profesora Titular de la Cátedra de Investigación Social II, FTS - UNLP y Directora del Laboratorio Movimientos Sociales y Condiciones de Vida, FTS- UNLP.
  • Victoria Andrea Trindade, Facultad de Trabajo Social, Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP)

    Licenciada en Trabajo Social, docente de la cátedra Investigación Social II de la FTS - UNLP. Investigadora del Laboratorio Movimientos sociales y condiciones de vida FTS – UNLP.

  • Inés Cortazzo, Facultad de Trabajo Social, Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP)
    Mg en Sociología y Lic. en Sociología, Co-Directora del Laboratorio  Movimientos Sociales y Condiciones de Vida, FTS- UNLP. Consultora en Investigación Social de la FTS – UNLP






Social Work

How to Cite

Identity construction in the target population of employment programs. (2015). Journal of Research of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(7), 20-38. //