Critical film review: genre configuration in the daily press


  • Adriana Callegaro Universidad Nacional de La Matanza (UNLaM)


Standardization, Explanation, Argumentation


This article focuses the cinematographic resign as a genre, as it goes on in Argentina during 1956 to 1966, from a group of texts belonging to two newspapers: La Nación y La Prensa. The aim was to find out the recurrent characteristics of this genre that installed reading habits and let us know about the way the society use to build knowledge about cinema.

The methodology was that of Discourse Analysis in order to describe the combination of explaining and argumentation (Heinemann y Viehweger, 1991; Werlich, 1975) and to establish links between genre and cognitive process.

The objectives of journalism (information and persuasion) require the standardization of the textual formula in order to the advertisement of films. However, the recurrence of certain argumentative rhetoric let us infer the features that define the representation about the film that shares a society at a given moment in history. 

Author Biography

  • Adriana Callegaro, Universidad Nacional de La Matanza (UNLaM)

    Master in Discourse analysis, Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). 






Social Communication

How to Cite

Critical film review: genre configuration in the daily press. (2015). Journal of Research of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(7), 1-15. //