Recent Argentinean philosophy and oral history. Carlos Astrada’s presence


  • Raúl Hernán Domínguez Universidad Nacional del Sur (UNS)


Oral History, Argentine Philosophy, Carlos Astrada


The aim of the present paper is to evaluate the possibilities offered by oral History in the study of recent Argentine philosophy, in general and Carlos Astrada´s thinking, in particular. For this purpose, three interviews will be analyzed, carried out during the research on the thoughts and life of the author of El mito gaucho. One of the interviews is to an Argentine philosopher who met Astrada; the others are to two of the Cordovan philosopher´s ex-pupils.

We believe that these interviews will enable us to delve into the different interpretations, positions, perspectives, experiences, to unravel controversies or dialogues, to qualify points of view, to go deeper into events, to visualize conflicts or ruptures, to pose new questions to already consolidated interpretations or to induce new perspectives of understanding and explanation. And this can be achieved by incorporating the voices of those who took direct or indirect part in various historical events or had contact with well-known contemporary philosophers.

Author Biography

  • Raúl Hernán Domínguez, Universidad Nacional del Sur (UNS)
    Associate Professor in Latin-American and Argentinean Philosophy. Researcher in the Department of Humanities, Universidad Nacional del Sur.






Philosophy, Politics and Economy

How to Cite

Recent Argentinean philosophy and oral history. Carlos Astrada’s presence. (2017). Journal of Research of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(11), 13-25. //