National congresses of philosophy of 1949 and 1971: two milestones in Argentine Philosophy


  • Celina Lértora Mendoza CONICET


National congresses of philosophy, I National Congress of Philosophy, II National Congress of Philosophy


The first two national congresses of philosophy, rare analysed as milestones: the first, as it consolidated the "normalization" of neutral philosophy and the second, for being an expression of a movement criticizing it. In order to draw this profile, alternative sources and new approaches have been used: 1. The testimonies of attendees, or the echoes that reached their students or disciples. 2. Specific historiographical reviews; 3. Remembrance and celebration events. The testimonies analyzed allow us to infer three results; 1) a significant dispersion of the assessment of these congresses (and even the memories); 2) a tendency to visualize the aspects on which the witness agrees or knows best about (at the level of philosophical disciplines, ideas and people) in a positive light, that is, to speak "of what they know"; 3) a certain silencing or omission of potentially conflictive and / or negative aspects, including a reconsideration of the philosophical history, both personal and collective.

Author Biography

  • Celina Lértora Mendoza, CONICET

    Dr. in Pholosophy, Universidad Católica Argentina and Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Dr. in Theology, Pontificia Universidad Comillas (España). Specialist in history of Philosophy and Medieval, Colonial and Latin American science.






Philosophy, Politics and Economy

How to Cite

National congresses of philosophy of 1949 and 1971: two milestones in Argentine Philosophy. (2017). Journal of Research of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(11), 26-46. //