Emigrants´ national identity as depicted in Ecuadorian stories


  • Yovany Salazar Estrada Universidad Nacional de Loja


Ecuadorian identity, emigration tales, Ecuadorian sport, ethnicity, Ecuadorian music, Ecuadorian landscape, national symbols


An analysis of Ecuadorian national identity as displayed by emigrants depicted in stories published between 1974 and 2014 is presented in this paper. Using a theoretical basis stemming from social and human sciences and combined with documentary research literature, a complex yet fruitful literary recreation of Ecuadorian national identity is achieved, as rendered by the characters in the stories analyzed. This essay’s analytical content is broken down into three sections: the characters´ Ecuadorian national identity, depicting people who have emigrated to more developed countries of the northern hemisphere, in particular the United States and Spain;  the main distinguishing features of this national identity´, taking into account an analysis of the Ecuadorian landscape, the question of ethnicity, the three-colored flag and sport; and finally, the production and enjoyment of music as another distinguishing feature of Ecuadorian national identity among emigrants while they stay away from their home country.

Author Biography

  • Yovany Salazar Estrada, Universidad Nacional de Loja

    Doctor in Philosophy in a global world (Universidad del País Vasco, 2015) and in Hispanoamerican Literature (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2016). University teaching in Spanish and Literature (Universidad Nacional de Loja, Ecuador).






Society and Culture

How to Cite

Emigrants´ national identity as depicted in Ecuadorian stories. (2018). Journal of Research of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(13), 47-73. //rihumso.unlam.edu.ar/index.php/humanidades/article/view/134