Healthy organisations and sustainability: approaches from the positive organisational psychology


  • Adela Reig-Botella Universidad de A Coruña
  • Noelia Rico Pantín Universidad de A Coruña (UdC)


Human capital, Positive Psychology, quality in work life, healthy organizations, sustainability, well-being at work


In the contextual framework of the organizational world, a series of transformations have taken a leading role, such as corporate sustainability, survival or adaptability. Many have tried to answer the question about ‘what is the key to success for a company?’. The aim of this paper is to highlight the importance of human capital, according to the perspective of the Positive Psychology. This helps us to visualize the multiple positive effects of its reactive and proactive actions (protection and promotion), providing an optimal functioning of people, providing efficient solutions, and the importance of workers, organization and community aligning for the mutual development of this dynamic triangle in order to strengthen corporate sustainable development.

Author Biographies

  • Adela Reig-Botella, Universidad de A Coruña
    Expert in Security and Labor Health. Researcher in the field of applied psychology, prevention of risks at work, work accidents prevención de riesgos laborales, accidentabilidad laboral, funded by institutions such as Dirección Xeral de Relacións Laborais de la Consellería de Traballo de la Xunta de Galicia or Instituto Galego de Seguridade e Saúde Laboral.
  • Noelia Rico Pantín, Universidad de A Coruña (UdC)
    Bachelor in Work Relations and Human Resources, Universidad de A Coruña





Labour Relations

How to Cite

Healthy organisations and sustainability: approaches from the positive organisational psychology. (2019). Journal of Research of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(15), 21-44. //