The pedagogical congresses of 1984 and 1882 as equivalent instruments to found and re-found the Republic


  • Ignacio Andrés Rossi Universidad Nacional de Luján-Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento


homología – democracia – educación – congreso.


The present work aims to analyze the allusions to the International Pedagogical Congress (CPI) of 1882 that were made within the framework of the National Pedagogical Congress (CPN) of 1984. The concept of homology is used as a methodological resource to examine the general political framework in which both events took place and thus understand the political motivations that made them possible and recreated a collective imaginary. It has been found that the commemoration of the CPI in the CPN framework was part of the transition to democracy and the re-founding initiative of President Raúl Alfonsín, exceeding its strictly pedagogical objectives. In addition, it must be concluded that the political context of the first presidency of Julio Roca and that of Alfonsín, despite the differences, are to some extent comparable in that pedagogical congresses were used as ways to consolidate the nation and seek margins of governance.

Author Biography

  • Ignacio Andrés Rossi, Universidad Nacional de Luján-Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento

    Ignacio Rossi es Licenciado en Historia por la Universidad Nacional de Luján (UNLu), actualmente cursa la Maestría en Historia Contemporánea en la Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento (UNGS). Se desempeña como docente en escuelas de nivel secundario en el partido de Merlo, Buenos Aires y forma parte del Proyecto de Investigación “UNGS 2018-2020: las interpretaciones heterodoxas de la historia económica argentina reciente: principales contribuciones y controversias”, bajo la dirección de la Dra. Karina Forcinito.





Philosophy, Politics and Economy

How to Cite

The pedagogical congresses of 1984 and 1882 as equivalent instruments to found and re-found the Republic. (2021). Journal of Research of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, 19, 109-132. //