Social representations of violence: Fernando Báez´s case through a lexical metrical analysis of Facebook digital press


  • María Estela Ortega Rubí Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales (IINSO) Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL)
  • Gustavo Adolfo Liloff Dirección General de Cultura y Educación


representaciones sociales, violencia, jóvenes, tragedia, asesinato


The purpose of our work is to identify the social representations of violence, from the analysis of the digital press about Fernando Baéz’s death (Argentina), as well as the explanation attributed to it. The approach used is case study, with a quantitative-qualitative sequential explanatory design. The sample consisted of 694 direct comments (540 women and 154 men), taken from the Facebook website of Página 12 newspaper. Different representational organizations are explained depending on the concerned subject’s gender. For men, violence arises from the feeling of hatred among social classes, reinforced by family environment and by youths’ membership groups, and this violent act is classified as a tragedy. For women, violence emerges as a racist expression reinforced by the father figure, in which the “other” becomes a target or victim. A violent act is not a tragedy (an inevitable situation), but it rather becomes murder (an avoidable situation).

Author Biographies

  • María Estela Ortega Rubí, Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales (IINSO) Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL)
    Doctora en Psicología Social (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales. Paris, Francia). Docente investigadora en el Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales – Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Monterrey – México. Coordinador General de la Red Nacional de investigadores en Representaciones  Sociales, RENIRS y del Centro Mexicano para el Estudio de las Representaciones Sociales, CEMERS. Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadoresde 2002 – 2019, México.
  • Gustavo Adolfo Liloff, Dirección General de Cultura y Educación
    Doctor en Ciencia de la Educación. Magister en Educación (Universidad del Salvador, Buenos Aires Argentina). Ex becario Naciones Unidas. Ex becario Israel’s Agency for International Development Cooperation – Jerusalén, Israel. Docente en diferentes niveles en la Dirección General de Cultura y Educación, Buenos Aires.


2020-07-10 — Updated on 2020-07-15




Social Communication

How to Cite

Social representations of violence: Fernando Báez´s case through a lexical metrical analysis of Facebook digital press. (2020). Journal of Research of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, 17, 63-85. // (Original work published 2020)