The role of Argentinean State in front of the claim for complete religious freedom as a social issue


  • Raúl Ernesto Rocha Gutierrez Seminario Internacional Teológico Bautista


State, claim, freedom, religion, social issue


The exercise of complete religious freedom in contemporary Argentina constitutes a social issue that claims the application of Benhabib’s “paradigm of the recognition”. This paper analyzes the role of Argentinean state in front of this claim through three topics. First, it addresses complete religious freedom as a “social issue” and identifies the social actors of claim in Argentina. Second, it analyzes complete religious freedom as cultural claim, assessing the paradigm of recognition and distinguishing the diachronic and synchronic perspectives. Third, it discusses the social function of state in face of religious phenomena, highlighting the role of religions and their autonomy. At the same time, the paper explores the social function of Argentinean state to supply proper context for the development of religions, overpassing monopoly and stating equality. 

Author Biography

  • Raúl Ernesto Rocha Gutierrez, Seminario Internacional Teológico Bautista

    Dr. in Theology(SITB), Dr. in Social Science, Bachelor and Professor in Literature (UBA), Master in Social Science (UNLaM), and Postdegree in Philology (Universidad de Costa Rica). Professor in Universidad de Costa Rica and Universidad de Buenos Aires. 





Society and Culture

How to Cite

The role of Argentinean State in front of the claim for complete religious freedom as a social issue. (2016). Journal of Research of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(10), 1-29. //