Trade unions and political parties: Historical features of a complex relationship. The case of Peronism (1945- 1974)


  • Dario Dawyd Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones Laborales (CEIL)


Trade unions, political parties, politics, Peronism, identities


The relationship between trade unions and political parties during Peronism while Juan Perón was alive is the aim of this paper (from de origins of the new political movement in 1945 to Perón death in 1974). The association among trade unions and political parties is analyzed from a theoretical and historical perspective. Then, the trade union- Peronism relationship is reviewed as the emergence of a new political identity.

Author Biography

  • Dario Dawyd, Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones Laborales (CEIL)

    Bachelor in Political Science (UBA), Master in History (CSIC), Dr. in Social Science (UBA). Researcher in Center of Studies in Labour Research (CEIL), CONICET. Professor in Political History of America (UNLaM).





Labour Relations

How to Cite

Trade unions and political parties: Historical features of a complex relationship. The case of Peronism (1945- 1974). (2016). Journal of Research of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(10), 46-76. //