Is Historical Materialism a substantive philosophy of history ?: a reflection based on the work of Arthur Danto


  • Sebastián Rodríguez Chiarini Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (UNQ)



Marxism, Philosophy of History, Arthur Danto


In this paper we study the epistemological status of Karl Marx’s Historical Materialism. We consider three possibilities: i) that it might be a philosophy of history, ii) a theory of history or iii) that it might be both. In order to further this research, we bring into discussion the work by Arthur Danto and his characterization of what he calls “substantial philosophies of history”; and follow his argumentation regarding Marxism. Finally, we assert the soundness of iii): the coexistence of elements that compel us to regard Historical Materialism as a scientific theory, alongside other elements that betray Historical Materialism´s filiation to the philosophy of history.

Author Biography

  • Sebastián Rodríguez Chiarini, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (UNQ)

    Mgtr. en Epistemología e historia de la ciencia (UNTREF). Investigador del Centro de Estudios de Filosofía e Historia de la ciencia de la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (CEFHIC-IESCT-UNQ-CIC-BA)





Philosophy, Politics and Economy

How to Cite

Is Historical Materialism a substantive philosophy of history ?: a reflection based on the work of Arthur Danto. (2021). Journal of Research of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, 20, 161-181.