Young people, Education and work


  • Pablo Granovsky Universidad Nacional de La Matanza (UNLaM)


Constructing knowledge, transitions, competence


This paper expresses the results of a research developed in UNLaM about Young people and employment and education programs. The profiles of young people assisting to a Program developed by the National Ministry of Work, Employment and Social Security have been analyzed, as were their valuations of the educative dispositive, understood as a place for labor socialization, social inclusion and education permanence. Finally, the different postures and the interest that these young people present respect the world of work have been identified. In this dimension it was established if this young people identify a craft of interest, the competences it takes and the ways to develop them.

The methodology combined quantitative and qualitative methods aiming to comprehend the perspective of the involved actors and the young peoples’ representations about work, courses and their chances.

One of the main conclusions is that learning centered in practice allows young people to experience in the courses how to be “quality laborers”, where the development of competences linked to craft is the result of the articulation of the systemic knowledge of the course and the practical knowledge they have. 

Author Biography

  • Pablo Granovsky, Universidad Nacional de La Matanza (UNLaM)
    Bachelor in Sociology, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Bachelor in commerce, Universidad de Palermo. Master in Social Sciences of Labor, Universidad de Buenos Aires.






Labour Relations

How to Cite

Young people, Education and work. (2013). Journal of Research of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(3), 32-54. //