Political participation practices of the female neighbors of Villa 21-24: other forms of daily resistance in and from precariousness





political participation, resistance strategies, feminisms, precariousness


This article aims to analyze the political participation practices of women living in Villa 21-24 after a femicide occurred in 2015. From a socioanthropological approach, it problematizes the complex fabric of power relations, resistance and negotiations in daily life. Likewise, a personal experience lived as a political activist is reconstructed as anthropological data and, within the framework of a larger research, the voices of women residing in that territory are gathered through in-depth interviews.
          We observe that, after the femicide and challenged by feminist discourses, the political participation practices of the women of Villa 21-24 redefine other forms of daily resistance in and from precariousness. The fact of being female neighbors configures a shared political identity organized around the diverse problems that affect them, and also in relation to the State.





Society and Culture

How to Cite

Political participation practices of the female neighbors of Villa 21-24: other forms of daily resistance in and from precariousness. (2024). Journal of Research of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, 25, 93-113. https://doi.org/10.54789/rihumso.