Back to a new Argentina: Esquiú Color and the coup in the 24th may 1976


  • Mercedes Saborido Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires (UBA)


Dictatorship, catholic press, coup


The behaviour of the Catholic press during the 1976-1983 military dictatorship has been an issue of limited treatment by researchers (Beraza, 2005; Bonnin, 2006). This paper, with others already published or presented at different times by members of this research project (Saborido y Borrelli, 2011; Saborido y Borrelli 2008; Borrelli, 2003, 2005, 2008, 2010), aims to contribute to fill this gap, that we consider as an important element to complete the panorama of those years, that in other areas have received the most attention.

Author Biography

  • Mercedes Saborido, Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires (UBA)
    Bachelor in Political Science, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Master in Political Science and Doctor in Contemporary History, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Professor and researcher in Universidad de Buenos Aires, Faculty of Social Science. 






Social Communication

How to Cite

Back to a new Argentina: Esquiú Color and the coup in the 24th may 1976. (2013). Journal of Research of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(4), 1-14. //