Social discourse and argumentative logic


  • Leticia Rolando Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) Universidad Nacional de La Matanza (UNLaM)



Argumentation, Rhetoric, Social Discourse


This paper examines the relationship between discourse analysis, rhetoric and argumentation theories. Several contemporary argumentation theorists have tried to see rhetoric as persuasive efforts aimed at resolving a difference of opinion. However Marc Angenot (2008) argues that public languages that coexist in a given state of society to be distinguished “beyond their diverging points of view, the clash of data retained or set aside, the disparity of their objectives as well as of the interests that fuel them—by their incompatible cognitive and argumentative character”. The author suggests that such “cognitive breaks” that result in a “dialogue of the deaf” may divide at a given point the topography of public opinion. This paper shows a theoretical framework for the analysis relating discursive, cognitive, rhetorical and socio-political aspects of public languages in a multidisciplinary approach. It concludes with a discussion of the value of theory of Social Discourse  proposed by Marc Angenot. This alternative methodological approach provides the rhetorical  researcher with complementary means  to illuminate the role of public discourse in order to legitimate certain views, opinions and themes.

Author Biography

  • Leticia Rolando, Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) Universidad Nacional de La Matanza (UNLaM)
    Professor in Literature, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Specialist in argumentation and semiotics.






Social Communication

How to Cite

Social discourse and argumentative logic. (2012). Journal of Research of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(1), 37-48.