Free trade vs. protectionism: the international economic theory debate


  • Darío Martín Pereyra Universidad Nacional de La Matanza (UNLaM)


Free trade, Protectionism, Trade policy, Efficiency


From the early mercantilist ideas to the most current theories of international trade, the debate between free trade vs. protectionism has been settled in a key position. All schools of economic thought have taken part for one or another concept, outlining and theorizing about different arguments. The theory of international trade has shown again and again the benefits that each of the two concepts brings. However, this theoretical debate is anything but static. Trade policy on its own is not enough to achieve and maintain a business position. This paper explores these issues and attempts to bring elements to foster the debate from a dynamic perspective of the international trade theory. 

Author Biography

  • Darío Martín Pereyra, Universidad Nacional de La Matanza (UNLaM)
    Bachelor in international commerce and Master in International Economic Relations.






Philosophy, Politics and Economy

How to Cite

Free trade vs. protectionism: the international economic theory debate. (2015). Journal of Research of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(7), 65-88. //