Configuration of Libertarian subjectivity in the newspaper "The Human Protest"


  • Mariana di Stefano Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)



Politics of writing, discourse ethos, Argentinean anarchism


The work is framed in one glotopolitical research oriented to study the politics of writing that governed the publication of the newspaper The Human Protest (THP), founded by the argentine anarchism, in the city of Buenos Aires, in 1897. The aim is to show -through an analysis of the enunciative mechanisms of the newspaper- features of the libertarian ethos constructed discursively in THP. In the text are analyzed traits moral, psychological and passions of the subject of enunciation, and the representations of the enunciatario, space and time present in the enunciation. The research enabled us to observe regularity in ethics traits. This regularity was interpreted as a trace of the writing ideology which directed to the group, to the time that revealed one of the main functions of this: put on scene the libertarian subjectivity and his being in the world. 

Author Biography

  • Mariana di Stefano, Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)

    Doctor in Literature, Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). Professor in Universidad de Buenos Aires, Universidad Nacional de San Martin and IUNA.






Social Communication

How to Cite

Configuration of Libertarian subjectivity in the newspaper "The Human Protest". (2012). Journal of Research of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(2), 1-12.