The conundrum of training and working as a social researcher. A biographic study of knowledge- production- related career paths


  • Mara Mattioni Universidad Nacional de La Matanza (UNLaM) Universidad Nacional de José C. Paz (UNCP)


Research, labor insertion, knowledge construction, social sciences


The purpose of this article is to describe the career paths of those Social Science professionals who have chosen to work as researchers, seeking to assess the contribution their undergraduate training has made to their professional journeys; and further characterize the nature of the link between inherent aspects of research as a work field in Argentina and the production of scientific knowledge in Social Sciences.

As regards methodology, this work is positioned as a biographical study, considering job placement within research as a forking path which generates ruptures that question career paths

In this sense, professionals’ life histories suggest, in an inviting way, the link that seems to exist between events in-keeping with degree formation, particularities of work spaces, ways of conceiving knowledge production in Social Sciences and professionals´ own choice of work spaces related to their research.

Author Biography

  • Mara Mattioni, Universidad Nacional de La Matanza (UNLaM) Universidad Nacional de José C. Paz (UNCP)
    Bachelor degree in Social Work, Especialist in Mental Health. Certificate in Judicial Expertise.





Social Work

How to Cite

The conundrum of training and working as a social researcher. A biographic study of knowledge- production- related career paths. (2019). Journal of Research of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(16), 25-45. //