Student engagement in undergraduate programs in cultural management in mexico




cultural management, cultural management education, student engagement


This article aims to understand the student engagement strategies of cultural management undergraduate programs in Mexico. It is an exploratory study with a mixed method approach: quantitative, using a questionnaire applied to students from nine Mexican universities; and qualitative, applying the technique of focus group discussion, in addition to documentary review. Basic descriptive statistical analysis and content analysis were conducted to interpret the data. The findings indicate that students have limited participation in cultural offerings and the development of projects as part of their education. Their motivation to participate is related to their vocational calling and interests upon entering the program, as well as the strategies developed by the institution to facilitate their involvement. It is concluded that the Student engagement should not only focus on motivating students to participate but also on the role of the educational institution. Depending on the conditions and provisions created by the university, it can either encourage or hinder active student participation.

Author Biographies

  • José Luis Mariscal Orozco, Universidad de Guadalajara

    Profesor investigador de la Universidad de Guadalajara. Doctor en Antropología Social

  • Silvia Gabriela Ortíz González, Universidad de Guadalajara

    Gestora cultural. Licenciatura en Gestión Cultural por la Universidad de Guadalajara





Society and Culture

How to Cite

Student engagement in undergraduate programs in cultural management in mexico . (2024). Journal of Research of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, 26, 83-115.