Teaching at the university in a biographical key: an analytical proposal from the trajectories of teachers





higher education, university, teachers, teaching, trajectories


UNPaz is part of the group of public universities promoted between 2009 and 2015 in Argentina. Since their creation, these institutions aimed at the inclusion of sectors of the population that had never before been able to access higher education. This expansion of access brought with it challenges linked to the sustainability of the trajectories of newcomers, as well as a problematization of the ways of developing university education.

Taking the biographical approach as a reference, in this article we document some of the meanings that the teachers of the UNPaz Law program construct about teaching, analyzing the ways in which their trajectories configure these constructions. We focus particularly on the record of the times and spaces that support their biographies, as key dimensions to understand how teaching influences the trajectories of these professionals.

We understand that building knowledge regarding who they are and what paths those who teach today in universities like UNPaz have can contribute to the understanding of the ways in which the inclusive mandate with which these institutions were founded is institutionally processed.

The analysis is based on a corpus of in-depth interviews conducted with professors of the UNPaz law program during 2022.




Author Biographies

  • Lucia Petrelli, Universidad Nacional de Jose C. Paz

    Doctora por la Universidad de Buenos Aires, área Antropología Social; Licenciada y Profesora en Ciencias Antropológicas, Universidad de Buenos Aires; Investigadora del Instituto de Estudios Sociales en Contextos de Desigualdades, Universidad Nacional de José C. Paz, Argentina

  • Mara Mattioni, Universidad Nacional de Jose C. Paz

    Licenciada en Trabajo social, Especialista en Salud Mental. Diplomada en Pericias Judiciales y Maestrando en Metodología de la Investigación Social. Docente investigadora en la Universidad Nacional de La Matanza (JTP) y en la Universidad Nacional de José Clemente Paz (JTP).





Higher Education

How to Cite

Teaching at the university in a biographical key: an analytical proposal from the trajectories of teachers. (2024). Journal of Research of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, 26, 151-175. https://doi.org/10.54789/rihumso.