Book review: Unions and politics in Argentine during "Cordobazo". Dr. Darío Dawyd. Pueblo Heredero Editorial, Buenos Aires, 2011, ISBN 978-987-27393-0-0. (371 pp.)


  • Yanina Mancini Universidad Nacional de La Matanza (UNLaM)


Politics, unionism, Peronism, Revolution


This book focuses upon the analysis of the emergence of the CGT de los Argentinos, following the division of the CGT in the year 1968 Congress normalizing. This fraction of the trade union, opposes the authoritarian regime of Juan Carlos Onganía. This does expose new settings around union political identity, which will be key to understanding the actions of certain actors, either the traditional or arising in this new context, in later instances, because they took such redefinitions as point to intervene in the national scene. 

Author Biography

  • Yanina Mancini, Universidad Nacional de La Matanza (UNLaM)
    Bachelor in Political Science, UNLaM.






Labour Relations

How to Cite

Book review: Unions and politics in Argentine during "Cordobazo". Dr. Darío Dawyd. Pueblo Heredero Editorial, Buenos Aires, 2011, ISBN 978-987-27393-0-0. (371 pp.). (2015). Journal of Research of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(7), 15-19. //