From Human Resources management to knowledge management: individual, organizational and sector competences in the frame of public policies if training


  • Pablo Granovsky Universidad Nacional de La Matanza (UNLaM)


Education, institutions, organizations, employment


The intersection between education and work issues becomes each time more significan in international and national academic agenda. The problems of exclusion and social difficulties of employment seem to be the result of the merge of macro economic development and the effect of complex social issues. The conditions of labor market and education system allows the understanding of employment. So the aim of this exploratory study is to analyze the implementation and development of employment policies for the vulnerable target population, as vocational training. This paper assesses the representations of sectorial references and the perceptions of technicians involved in the design and management of such policies, about its contents, institutional and operational aspects as well as quality and impact on career paths. The methodology to address the phenomenon is qualitative in-depth interview with sectorial experts.

Author Biography

  • Pablo Granovsky, Universidad Nacional de La Matanza (UNLaM)
    Bachelor in Sociology and Master in Social Science of Labour (Universidad de Buenos Aires). Specialist in training and employment, consultant in labour and education. Teacher in Universidad de Buenos Aires and researcher in Universidad Nacional de La Matanza.





Labour Relations

How to Cite

From Human Resources management to knowledge management: individual, organizational and sector competences in the frame of public policies if training. (2016). Journal of Research of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(10), 77-93. //