Contributions to train trainers


  • Javier Augusto Nicoletti Universidad Nacional de La Matanza (UNLaM)


Training of trainers, Challenges, Strategies, Quality


Society undergoes permanent changes that force people to be in a continuous process of training and upgrading their knowledge. Hereby the training of trainers becomes a strategy within the policies of organizations. In this scenario, the training of educators should be developed within a framework that far from being limited to the transmission of information, could promote the exchange of views. Learning should be matter of activities and the development of concrete proposals to achieve consistent and necessary improvements. Facing these challenges, this paper aims to account for a set of contributions that facilitate these improvements in practice and in educators training courses, thinking them as a process that must be constantly updated regarding the mechanisms and strategies to reach academic quality.

Author Biography

  • Javier Augusto Nicoletti, Universidad Nacional de La Matanza (UNLaM)
    Doctor  en  Educación  con  mención  Cum  Laude  por  la  UNED  (España).  Diploma  de  Estudios Avanzados  -DEA-  por  la  UNED  (España).  Magíster  en  Derechos   Humanos  en  el  Mundo Contemporáneo por la UNIA (España). Licenciado en Psicología con Diploma de Honor por la UBA (Argentina). Es autor de libros relacionados a la Educación, losDerechos Humanos y la Ética; autor de artículos en Revistas especializadas nacionales e internacionales. Se  desempeña  en  el  ámbito  universitario  como  capacitador,  docente  e  investigador.  Es  Jefe  del LIE - Laboratorio de Investigación Educativa - de la UNLaM.






Higher Education

How to Cite

Contributions to train trainers. (2014). Journal of Research of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(5), 47-58. //