TV, Science and technology: a mutual transformation


  • Ailén Spera Universidad Nacional de Río Negro Sede Andina
  • Hernán Andrade Universidad Nacional de Río Negro Sede Andina
  • Sandra Murriello Universidad Nacional de Río Negro Sede Andina


Hypertelevision, public communication of S&T, audiovisual


This paper was developed in the context of a research project Analysis of the design and audiovisual formats in public communication of science which analyses the continuities, innovations and trends in Tv programs of Science and Technology (S&T) whithin the current Argentinean television. This project aimed to interpret the influence of the construction of the social imaginary of science and technology. From this perspective, the present article compares the features of the televised speech and speech communication of S&T and analyzes from an aesthetic- narrative point of view three current programs: Sudamérica Salvaje, TN Ciencia y Mentira la verdad, selected from a corpus of 362 programs analyzed (2011/2013). This study aims to account the S&T communication strategies in a Tv in a deep transformation process.

Author Biographies

  • Ailén Spera, Universidad Nacional de Río Negro Sede Andina

    Image and Sound Designer (UBA),  Diseñadora Imagen y Sonido (UBA), Cinema maker (ENERC), Candidate for Doctor in Social Communication (UNRC).

  • Hernán Andrade, Universidad Nacional de Río Negro Sede Andina
    Dr. in Sciences (UNICAMP), Coordinator and teacher of the Specialization in Science, Technology and Innovation dissemination (Sede Andina, UNRN)
  • Sandra Murriello, Universidad Nacional de Río Negro Sede Andina

    Dra. en Ciencias (UNICAMP, Brasil), Coordinadora de la Especialización en Divulgación de la Ciencia, la Tecnología y la Innovación (Sede Andina, UNRN). Docente-investigadora CITECDE, UNRN-Sede Andina




How to Cite

TV, Science and technology: a mutual transformation. (2016). Journal of Research of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(8), 25-46. //